Forest Service releases Bioregional Assessment for Northwest Forests

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Forest Service releases Bioregional Assessment for Northwest Forests

The U.S. Forest Service released the Bioregional Assessment for Northwest Forests (BioA) on July 8, 2020. The BioA follows the Science Synthesis and is the next step in the pre-planning process that will culminate in an update to the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan.

The BioA reviews the primary changes in the region since enactment of the NW Forest Plan to employ, “innovative planning strategies to more efficiently and effectively manage national forests” including several recommendations for “modernizing” management direction in the planning area.

The BioA is not a decision document and not part of the official public planning effort, yet this assessment contains key insights to the direction of the U.S. Forest Service across 24 million acres. Our friends at Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center put together a great summary of the BioA here.  We are very engaged in the revision process of the NW Forest Plan

If you have any questions email Hannah Dewey –