Two important ways you can protect the Methow this Monday, September 28th

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Two important ways you can protect the Methow this Monday, September 28th

Dear Methow Friends,

For the last several years, the Citizens Council has raised serious concerns about Okanogan County allowing growth beyond the capacity of the Methow Valley’s water resources to sustain both human uses and healthy populations of fish and wildlife.

Below you will find a few key updates on where things stand as well as two opportunities to have your voice heard on these important issues. 

OPPORTUNITY #1: Comment on a NEW draft of the interim moratorium on subdivisions in the Methow.

On Monday, September 28th at 1:30pm Planning Director Pete Palmer will be providing a planning update to the county commissioners. These updates are helpful to understand a number of key decisions being made at the county right now.

Immediately following at 2:00 pm, the County Commissioners invite public comment on Ordinance 2020-06: the new version of the interim moratorium on subdivisions.

Join Commissioner’s Meeting:
Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 839 6426 8132
Join by phone: +1 253 215 8782 OR +1 346 248 7799 OR +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 839 6426 8132 
The Citizens Council supports the intent behind this new Ordinance, but it continues to include exemptions that are not consistent with state law and must be addressed. These exemptions encourage unstable growth patterns that leave many vulnerable to building without legal access to water.
Futurewise and MVCC sent a joint letter to Okanogan County about the new Ordinance – check it out to better understand our concerns.

UPDATE on Individual Subdivision Appeals:
A piecemeal approach to addressing the elephant in the room! 

Under exemptions allowed since the first version of the interim moratorium was adopted in late 2019, the County has given a green light for multiple land divisions to proceed.

In July, MVCC appealed the Okanogan County Planning Department’s preliminary approval of two proposed subdivisions between Twisp and Carlton, stating that they do not have a right to use water reserved for single residences, and that therefore, the resulting lots will not have a legal water source.

Last month we argued our case in front of Okanogan County Hearing Examiner, Dan Beardslee, who is one of the founders of Okanogan County Coalition for Property Rights and a board member of the building industry trade association Building North Central Washington. We were not surprised that Mr. Beardslee issued his ruling against MVCC’s appeal.

Despite ruling against us on process issues, Mr. Beardslee did not address the question at the center of the subdivision appeal: can property be subdivided using water reserved for “single domestic use”? This is the primary issue we have consistently raised in comment letters, testimony and legal appeals – an issue that continues to be dodged by the County.

The matter is far from settled, so stay tuned as MVCC pushes forward to seek clarity so that our community can  meaningfully plan for our future securely and sustainably.

OPPORTUNITY #2:  Comment on the proposed changes to the lower Methow zoning.

The Okanogan Planning Commission will also be holding a public hearing on Monday from 7-9:00 pm. Among many issues on the evening’s agenda (scroll down for agenda), there is a hearing on proposed changes to lower Methow zoning.
You can join the meeting via WebEx or by phone:
Meeting number: 146 349 4912:
Password:  YJfghXVP582 
Join by phone
1-844-992-4726 United States Toll Free
+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Access code: 146 349 4912 
Methow Valley Citizens Council strongly supports the lower Methow zoning proposal (SEPA ChecklistMap), which begins to address water scarcity concerns by changing much of the lower valley’s zoning from one to 5-acre minimum lots. We encourage the county to make this change permanent – and hope you will also consider testifying in favor.  
Both the afternoon and evening meetings will cover a lot of content and we encourage our members to join the meetings to learn more, observe and contribute your two cents as our elected Commissioners and appointed Planning Commission members deliberate important policies that will define the Methow’s future.

Thank you for raising your strong voice to protect the Methow’s natural environment and rural character!


The Methow Valley Citizens Council Team