😎sčədadxʷ (salmon) is an animated short featuring Billy Frank Jr. that takes the viewer up the river through the eyes of the salmon showing its pristine environment; its connection to the Pacific Northwest People; the arrival of the settlers; habitat degradation; the unification of people throughout the world working together to save salmon and salmon habitat.
🤩Beyond Fear: A Place for Grizzlies. Trailer for a film idea by local filmmaker Leslee Goodman. The idea for the film was inspired by a community forum examining plans to restore grizzly bears to the North Cascades (co-organized by MVCC). She was struck by the fact that those who were familiar with grizzlies, who had lived or hiked around the bears, were in favor of reintroduction, while those who had not were opposed. A question began to form in her head: How had Native Americans lived with grizzlies for millennia–even before the arrival of rifles–without fear or conflict? What did they know that we descendants of Europeans do not? And how could we return to a more peaceful co-existence with our great relative – the grizzly bear? This film is the answer to these questions. Check out Leslee’s trailer and please DONATE to help secure funding to complete the film. All donations will help secure a $10,000 MATCH!
🥰They Overcame Mutual Loathing, and Saved a Town. An inspiring story in the New York Times by Nicholas Kristof about making democracy function by collaborating on solutions in NE Oregon, featuring the work of our colleague and partner Susan Jane Brown, of Western Environmental Law Center.
🧐Legislators ask for mining oversight in BC. An article in the Omak Chronicle highlighting a letter sent from 25 state legislators to the BC government calling for policy reforms to protect transboundary watersheds, fish and wildlife, and downstream communities and tribes. A big thank you to Senator Brad Hawkins for signing his name to this letter.
🤔Twisp Restoration ‘deep dive’ meeting scratches surface. An article in the Methow Valley News reporting on the first of two meetings aimed at improving the Twisp Restoration Project. Methow Valley Citizens Council has been participating in these meetings, bringing attention to issues raised by the community during the comment period. Stay tuned as this process unfolds.
🤨Okanogan County Planning Commission revisits comp plan draft to clear up questions. An article in the Methow Valley News that uncovers confusion at the Planning Commission over the Comprehensive Plan. We are expecting that the next draft of the Comprehensive Plan and Environmental Impact Statement will be completed in May, and then sent to the Board of County Commissioners. MVCC will give you more details when we get them!
😊Ecology suspends work on water banking proposal: An article in the Methow Valley News reporting on an announcement from Department of Ecology that it has “suspended processing” of a water rights application from Crown Columbia Water Resources LLC, a company affiliated with a Wall Street-backed investment corporation. MVCC filed an objection letter on the application and worked with local officials to weigh in on the application. We will continue to monitor this proposal going forward, in the meantime its nice to enjoy a bit of good news! |