2023 Legislative Sucesses

What are the Rights of Nature?
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How Should our Shorelines be Managed?
April 20, 2023

2023 Legislative Sucesses

In this long legislative session, the MVCC Action Fund advocated and promoted numerous bills to protect and improve the natural environment and rural character of Okanogan County. Some of these bills didn’t make it through the legislative gauntlet, but many did that will have lasting beneficial effects. Below are a few bills we are most excited about.

1181-Planning for a Climate Friendly Future

If we want to create communities that are resilient to climate change we have to begin planning for those communities. While the Methow Valley is working to respond proactively to climate change through its Climate Action Plan, Okanogan County continues to drag its feet in adapting to the changes that will come. This Growth Management Act (GMA) climate bill will require local governments to incorporate climate resiliency measures and reduce emissions equitably in their long-term plans. Although Okanogan County isn’t yet planning under the growth management act (pop. threshold of 50,000) at the current rate of growth it won’t be too long before we are! This was a priority bill of the Environmental Priorities Coalition (EPC) which MVCC is a part of. A dedicated effort on behalf of EPC and Futurewise really helped to push this bill through!

1460- Revitalizing State Trust Land Transfers

In the State of Washington, the Department of Natural Resources manages over 5.6 million acres of state land which generate revenue for schools, universities and other beneficiaries. Since 1989, DNR has had a budget mechanism to transfer state trust lands to other agencies or counties to be managed for conservation, wildlife habitat, clean water, or recreational opportunities. However, because this mechanism has not been officially recognized in statute, it has not realized its full potential to enable the most appropriate status of these lands. The passage of this bill will create a clear path forward for communities like the Methow Valley that want to protect land to work with trust beneficiaries, Tribes and all stakeholders to find solutions.  We are pleased that our District 7 legislators, Representatives Kretz and Macumber and Senator Short, support this legislation.  We’ll be looking out for budget funding to help support the Trust Land Transfer Program!

SHB 1138-Drought Preparedness 

Last month, MVCC co-hosted an informative drought planning event to learn as a community about the climate impacts to our water supply and how we can prepare for and mitigate drought. SHB 1138, which passed through the legislature with broad bipartisan support, will make it easier to respond to droughts when they arise. The bill will make grants available to public entities and federally recognized tribes to reduce current or future hardship caused by drought.