Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Rise and Shine for the Methow! – MVCC’s Annual Event
May 2, 2018
DNR Meeting on Monday, May 21st will address Virginia Ridge
May 17, 2018

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Are you looking for a way get involved with the Methow Valley Citizens Council and give back to the community? MVCC and Methow Valley Clean Air Project have multiple volunteer opportunities this spring.

Such as but not limited to:
-Help us make paper kites to decorate our Annual Event!
-Hang up posters around the valley to advertise our Annual Event
-Volunteer for a shift at the Clean Air Project’s annual Spring Chipping event!
-Help clean up the highway with our Adopt-A-Highway crew.

Learn more about these opportunities by clicking the links below and email Raechel@mvcitizens.org if you would like to volunteer.

Hang up posters around the Valley for our Annual Event – ongoing until Saturday, May 26th

Clean Air Project’s needs volunteers for their Spring Chipping Event – shifts available on May 12th and May 15th

Help make paper kites for MVCC’s Annual Event – ongoing until Saturday, May 26th

Help fight climate change and gather signatures for I-1631 at our Annual Event!Saturday, May 26th

Help set-up and/or clean-up at our Annual EventSaturday, May 26th

Manage paper kite making booth at our Annual EventSaturday, May 26th

Adopt-A-Highway ParticipantsSaturday, June 2nd

Adopt-A-Highway Coordinator – starts on Saturday, June 2nd