Open Roads Coalition Tells County: Remove the Gates!

ATV Meeting – July 30th at 6pm
July 22, 2018
Announcing New Methow Valley Clean Air Citizen Monitoring Project!
August 8, 2018

Open Roads Coalition Tells County: Remove the Gates!

Four years ago, the Carlton Complex ripped through the lower valley, forcing residents to flee for their lives. What if gates across public roads had blocked their escape?

Okanogan Open Roads Coalition (OORC) recently sent a letter to Prosecutor Branden Platter, requesting that the County take immediate action to remove three locked, private gates that restrict the public from accessing roads near French and Texas Creek. The County has historically told private landowners to remove obstructions from public roads. OORC’s letter emphasizes public safety, and the danger of blocking access to wildfire escape routes.

According to this Guardian article, private landowners blocking roads and trails represent a growing threat to the public’s right to access and use millions of acres of public land across the American West. This dynamic has been building in Okanogan county since 2001 and is playing out in the Methow Valley today.

OORC’s letter to the Prosecutor is the most recent overture encouraging the County to stand beside its citizens and defend our right to use historic public roads — for travel, recreation, and possibly for our lives.

You can help today by contacting the County Commissioners and the County Prosecutor. Ask them to work with the OORC and include other public agencies in the effort to defend and protect public rights of way from privatization, regardless of agency jurisdiction.

“Open the Roads” Bumper stickers are available at the MVCC Office and Blue Star Coffee Roasters – stop by and get one today!