County to consider appeal of two subdivisions this week

A Tale of Two Subdivision Appeals
August 3, 2020
Conservation groups support forest and watershed restoration in Methow Valley, WA.
August 31, 2020

County to consider appeal of two subdivisions this week

Following the adoption of a county moratorium on new subdivisions earlier this year, Methow Valley Citizens Council is challenging two subdivision proposals granted approval last month.

The Okanogan County Hearing Examiner, Dan Beardslee, will hear arguments on Thursday Aug. 27 at 10am. Beardslee said the hearing will be open to the public, though due to COVID-19 restrictions the meeting will take place through video conferencing.

On July 6, MVCC appealed the Okanogan County Planning Department’s preliminary approval of two proposed subdivisions between Twisp and Carlton, stating that they do not have a right to use water reserved for single residences, and that therefore, the resulting lots will not have a legal water source.

This is the latest development in a long-standing dispute between MVCC and the county over use of the Methow Valley’s limited water resources. For years, Methow Valley Citizens Council has been concerned about Okanogan County allowing growth beyond the capacity of the Methow Valley’s water sources to sustain a balance between many human uses (agriculture, recreation, commercial businesses, residences) and healthy populations of fish and wildlife. As the valley grows and experiences strong pressure from booming real estate trends, it is more important than ever that the county adopt a thoughtful plan to ensure that balance remains intact.

MVCC board member and attorney Melanie Rowland will be representing Methow Valley Citizens Council at the hearing.

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