Garbage, chicken coops, beehives, fruit trees and other sources of enticing odors can draw curious black and grizzly bears to your property. Properly installed bear-resistant electric fencing is a straightforward and effective way to deter them. MVCC can help you design a fence and will reimburse you up to $500 for materials for the building of the fence (cost-share funds do not cover labor).
- Check the qualifying bear “attractants” to see if you qualify.
- Fenceable Bear Attractants: Chicken coops, garbage, beehives, fruit trees, livestock, livestock/pet food, food-waste compost, carcass pits, boneyards, restaurant grease containers, livestock*Something not on this list attracting bears to your property? Contact us to see if it qualifies for the cost-share program.
- If you qualify, you must contact us before purchasing materials and/or installing your fence to confirm your place on our list for reimbursement. Funding is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Madelyn Hamilton at or 509-997-0888
- Plan your project. MVCC and MBC can offer technical advice on design and materials specific to your project. In order to qualify, your fence must have a 0.70 joule (or greater) energizer and must follow the general specifications listed in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Electric Fence Guide for Bears . Defenders of Wildlife has produced a helpful how-to video for constructing an electric fence (shown below)
- Watch the helpful video from Defenders of Wildlife to learn how to construct an effective electric bear fence.
- Once you complete your fence, submit the application and required documentation listed below.
Electric Fence Cost-share Application and Documentation
Complete and submit this application along with our required documentation (copies of all receipts for fencing supplies you wish to have reimbursed and photos of your completed fence)
The program is made possible through grants received from Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Vital Ground Foundation.