How do we prepare for the heat (and the smoke)?

Sideyard Shindig Member Meeting-Thursday June 29, 4:30-7pm
June 28, 2023
What can I find in a dark Methow sky?
July 25, 2023

How do we prepare for the heat (and the smoke)?

Though the Methow has been spared from the worst heat thus far this summer, the sweltering temperatures around the globe remind us that heat can and will arrive. Events like the 2021 heat dome that sent temperatures soaring to 114 in the Methow are likely to occur more frequently in the future on a warming planet.  How is the Methow preparing for the heat?

The community-developed 2021 Methow Valley Climate Action Plan (MVCAP) identifies that the Methow lacks accessible indoor public spaces that can act as cooling and clean air centers during heat or smoke episodes. The plan recognizes the particular importance of these centers due to a lack of air conditioning and air filtration in homes and businesses.

In the last two years, however, the Methow has taken significant steps to prepare for heat and smoke events. Last year, the Winthrop Library was completed. It provides a large cooled public space to gather in during heat and smoke events. In Twisp, grant funding has been applied for to retrofit the Methow Valley Community Center as a cool, clean air space. Resilient Methow has also developed a Home Electrification Guide to help homeowners take advantage of current federal and state subsidies to install mini splits which not only provide efficient heat in the winter but also provide efficient cooling in the summer! All of these steps will help the Methow be prepared for when the inevitable heat or smoke events arrive!