How to Protect Your Family During Smoke Season

Subdivision Appeals Hearing Update
September 13, 2020
Two important ways you can protect the Methow this Monday, September 28th
September 27, 2020

How to Protect Your Family During Smoke Season

You may already know if you are sensitive to wildfire smoke or air pollution, but anyone who is 18 or over 65, or those with lung or heart conditions, has suffered a stroke, or is pregnant, is also considered especially vulnerable to health effects from poor air quality. Below is a reminder from Clean Air Methow about how to stay safe during wildfire smoke events, with updates consistent with recommendations for protecting your health during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  1. Stay inside. Create or seek clean indoor air by using an air purifier, a box-fan filter, or going to a family or friend’s house (as long as you have agreed to take necessary COVID precautions)
  2. If you must be outdoors, use a N95 mask if you already have one. If you don’t have one on hand, please consider that there are still some shortages for frontline medical workers and those whose job requires them to be outside. If you have extra masks to share, someone you know who is especially vulnerable to smoke may really appreciate it. Cloth masks worn for COVID provide little to no protection against wildfire smoke.
  3. Stay aware of your local air quality. Download “MethowAir” for iOS from the app store or visit to have access to our extensive network of local air quality monitors at your fingertips. Use the LRAPA correction factor from the drop down menu for the most accurate values.
  4. Connect with family, friends, and neighbors. Do you have anything you can offer? Do you need to ask for help? Wildfire and smoke are incredibly stressful, especially this year, and knowing we are connected and supported can help make it a little easier. Remember to go easy on yourself and others. Kindness helps.