It’s the final countdown!

Join the Methow Headwaters Campaign for a fun happy hour and public hearing on 11/13!
October 31, 2018
Voice your support for orcas and salmon at the WDFW Open House in Ephrata on 11/6!
October 31, 2018

It’s the final countdown!

The fight for Washington’s future is heating up and we have a choice to make. Do we continue to go down our current path or do we choose a new direction, one that prioritizes the health of our planet? For the past few months MVCC has held a number of local events for I-1631 from phone banking nights, local canvassing, and a panel with local leaders. But this fight is not over and we need your help.

The oil and gas industry has raised a record breaking $30 million for their ‘No on 1631’ Campaign. They are attempting to buy our democracy and as Washingtonians we can not let that happen. BP, Phillips66 and Andeavor are the three biggest contributors to the ‘No on 1631’ Campaign and they want Washington to continue to uphold the status quo.

14% of voters remain undecided on whether to vote yes or no on 1631. You have the opportunity to help them act on climate and help build a better future for our children, and grandchildren.

Join us as we fight for the future of our planet:

Phone Bank with us:
Monday, November 5th from 5:30 to 7:30pm at the MVCC Office, 313 E Hwy 20, Twisp. You can also phone bank or text bank from home ANYTIME!

Canvass with us:
This weekend in Winthrop and Twisp. Time flexible dependent upon volunteers needs. Email for more information and materials.