Let’s Build a Renewable Power Grid in Okanogan!

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Let’s Build a Renewable Power Grid in Okanogan!

Right now Okanogan PUD is trying to determine if there is local support for a community solar project in Okanogan County. Community solar projects helps participants offset the costs associated with a solar project and share the benefits. Installing a personal solar project can be cost-prohibitive for many households but a community solar project allows households to utilize solar energy without the high costs associated with a personal solar project.

Diversifying our energy grid is critical to building a resilient energy system. Right now our energy grid is vulnerable because it is primarily dependent upon hydro-power. The Fourth National Climate Assessment predicts that the Pacific Northwest will experience a decrease in annual snow pack and increased spring melt rates, this will result in lower flows during the summer season when energy demand peaks. Including solar energy in our power grid will help ensure that energy is still available even during low flow years.

Voice your support for the Okanogan PUD Community Solar Project by emailing Communitysolar@okpud.org today!

Support Community Solar in Okanogan County
Learn More About the Proposal
What is Community Solar?