Show your Support for Alternative Four! – Comprehensive Plan Action Item

Public Meeting: Changes to Restricted Areas in Closed Basins
January 14, 2019
Public Hearing: WATV Ordinance
February 27, 2019

Show your Support for Alternative Four! – Comprehensive Plan Action Item

You can help protect the Methow Valley’s natural environment and rural character for generations to come by voicing your support for Alternative Four! Okanogan County is currently writing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Okanogan County Comprehensive Plan. The Methow Valley Citizens Council would like to ensure that Alternative Four is included as one potential alternative for the Comprehensive Plan in the EIS. Use the petition below to show your support for Alternative Four and to ensure that values such as utilizing the best available science, planning for potential wildfire impacts and planning for potential changes in water quantity is included in the EIS. You can read our entire Comprehensive Plan scoping comments here. To stay-up-to-date on future land use planning you can subscribe to our bimonthly e-alerts here.


Citizens Alternative

To whom it may concern,

**your signature**

183 signatures