Upcoming Events

February 24, 2021

Comp Plan Commenting Workshop

Do you care about the Methow's future? Do you want to protect the valley's natural environment and rural character for generations to come? Then it's vitally important that you submit comments on Okanogan County's proposed Comprehensive Plan. Hear about the various alternatives to guide growth and the future of the Methow Valley. Learn through an open discussion of the proposed comp plan and a deep dive into what we need in order to protect the long-term integrity of our community. Prepare your comments and make your voice heard!
February 1, 2021

Press Statement: State Provides Long-Awaited Clarity on Water Use in the Methow

Proliferating growth, a booming real estate market, and a changing climate have converged to intensify concerns over water in the Methow Valley. In addition to a […]
September 19, 2019

Comment Deadline on Okanogan County Comprehensive Plan

Please view our Comp Plan Update for information on what content to comment on. Below you will find the announcement by Okanogan County on the Extended […]
August 16, 2019

The Methow Valley’s Future is in your hands. Read how you can help, inside.

The Comprehensive Plan is a guide to the future – it dictates a vision for how our communities can retain the things we love, and provides a […]