The long awaited Comprehensive Plan is here!

We Need Your Help!
December 11, 2018
You’re Invited! To MVCC’s Open House on 1/3/19!
December 21, 2018

The long awaited Comprehensive Plan is here!

As we previously reported, in November Okanogan County released a draft Revision to the Comprehensive Plan, including three alternatives and maps, to the public. At the same time, the county also released a Scoping Notice for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Comments are due January 4.

Confusion ensued. People contacted us to ask: Are we supposed to comment on the Draft Comp Plan Alternatives, or Scoping?

The Short Answer: Right now, it's all about Scoping.
Scoping is the process used to determine what goes into an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS analyzes the impacts of the alternatives proposed, and gives decision-makers the basis for choosing "the best" alternative. More comment periods will vet the alternatives.

What's needed by January 4 is simple, more like a laundry list.
The list should include important issues, alternatives, mitigation measures, and analytical tools that the county needs to use when analyzing all of the alternatives. if you get stuck, ask yourself: What things do I hold dear that are impacted by growth?

Below are some suggestions from MVCC's laundry list.
We are drafting comments, including a proposal to add a new alternative for consideration. We will share our work as soon as it is complete! Meanwhile, use any of the words below as a springboard for your own thoughts.

"The Environmental Impact Statement should address the impacts of all proposed alternatives of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning and other affiliated land use regulations on....

-Wildfire safety for residents and first responders, home and property vulnerability, access and evacuation routes
-Climate change, and utilizing the best available science
-Ground and Surface water quality and quantity
-Critical areas – as defined by state law, using the most up-to-date designations and maps
-Wildlife migration corridors
-Agriculture and small farms
-Forest resources
-Air Quality, including smoke and light pollution
-Visual aesthetics
-Rural quality of life (define this yourself)
-Transportation infrastructure
-Tourism and local economies
-Affordable Living

The deadline for submitting comments is January 4, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Comments may be emailed to