Together, we are Methow Strong!

Let’s work together for clean air!
March 4, 2020
Watch the Virtual Earth Day 50th Anniversary Celebration!
April 7, 2020

Together, we are Methow Strong!

These are trying and difficult times for our region and the world. The Methow Valley Citizens Council is committed to supporting the Methow Valley community, our natural environment and rural character. In the interest of protecting our employees, volunteers and public health, we have decided to temporarily close our Twisp office to the public until April 27th, effective immediately. In addition, we have cancelled all in-person meetings, and will use virtual meeting options to advance our work.

We have also made the difficult decision to cancel our Earth Day Kick-Off Celebration event. In its place, we are working to organize a virtual event that our community can participate in from the comfort of their own homes. We will keep you updated on this evolving event via our e-alerts, website and social media.

While these are tumultuous times, we feel very grateful to be a part of the Methow community and be surrounded by one of the largest, wildest areas in the continental United States. Nature is a powerful healer and offers respite for the weary. Now more than ever we need the power that nature and community holds. We encourage you to spend time outdoors and to continue connecting with friends, family and your neighbors (virtually or via phone). Our community is incredibly resilient. We can and will weather this storm.

I leave you with this quote by activist and author, Joanna Macy, “The sorrow, grief, and rage you feel is a measure of your humanity and your evolutionary maturity. As your heart breaks open there will be room for the world to heal.”

Together we can get through this, together we can heal the world.